Life on the road

I love to travel. I love to explore. Old buildings, cool bars, train stations, cozy coffee shops and new vibes really get me going. This tour with the Jose Ramirez Band has scratched an itch I’ve had for a couple of years. It’s been a wonderful adventure. Everyone in the band is chill and easy to travel with. It’s been especially sweet to get to know my brother-from-another-mother Rod Gross. Rod kills it on the drums, but we knew that before the tour. The part I didn’t plan on was having a road partner who shares the same passions. He’s actually been a guide for me … this being my first time on the road with a band for more than a few days. Rod has a passion for the journey as well. So it’s been nice to have a partner to explore new towns.

We’ve spent the past few days in Lincoln, Nebraska. I confess, I had a pre-conceived notion of Lincoln. The city looks so small as you’re pulling in. But there’s much more than meets the eye. Lincoln’s folks have all been very friendly. The nightlife scene is actually really sweet. Last night we found a cool little bar that could have been in Manhattan or Chicago. The University of Nebraska is in Lincoln, so there’s a strong young vibe, and the venues to match.

Our gig last night was short. We opened for Nikki Hill - a blues/rocker from North Carolina. We went on at 6pm! When we were done playing the sun was still up. That’s a rare experience when you’re traveling the country playing blues clubs. The folks at the Zoo Bar were the sweetest. I hung out with a table of old-school hippie types who brought in a bag of fresh grown tomatoes. Rod and I went home with a handful. The one guy is a chef and I’m looking forward to a return to Lincoln to taste his cooking. If he cooks as well as buddy grows tomatoes, it’s gonna good!

Tomorrow we leave this nice spot for our next adventure in Nebraska. Then we’re off to St. Louis for a few days. Then the road-hoggin’ kicks in because we’re driving all the way to the Florida gulf coast for 5 gigs up and down the state. Yesterday was a scorcher in Lincoln … but that’s good prep for the heat we’re expecting in Florida.

Bronson Hoover